[lwp_divi_breadcrumbs home_text=»Inicio» _builder_version=»4.19.4″ _module_preset=»default» locked=»off» global_colors_info=»{}»][/lwp_divi_breadcrumbs]
- Stimulates metabolism and gastrointestinal health.
- Improves digestion, helping to treat indigestion issues.
- Reduces abdominal swelling, gases, and calms inflammation in general.
- It is an excellent diuretic and detoxifier.
- Improves urinary function, helps fight infections, improves fluid retention and overweight.
- Helps to remain calm when facing nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia.
Improves the natural elimination of waste from the body. - Helps to be more regulated.
- Improves the quality of immune stimulation.
- Assists in the management of diabetes, supports liver and gallbladder functions.
- Acts as a potent antioxidant, mitigating the eects of free radicals and reducing cellular oxidation.
- Enhances the absorption of dietary nutrients and provides support for intermittent fasting.

How to drink
- Take one before going to bed,
it will help our digestive system to do its functions. - We recommend starting with ½ scoop to see how the laxative efect afects each body.